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Showing posts from May, 2020

الغضب وتداعياته

الغضب وتداعياته هل أنت غاضب الآن؟ إذا لم يكن الأمر كذلك، فمتى كانت آخر مرة شعرت فيها بالغضب؟ كيف غضبت؟ أعتقد أن شيئاً ما حدث لك أن حصلت على استثناء. شخص أو شيء - الله، الطبيعة، شخص تعرفه، غريب - فعل شيئا جعل لكم غاضبين. إذا كان بإمكانك أن تنحي جانباً غضبك للحظة وأن تفكر فيه بدلاً من الانغماس فيه، فسوف تبدأ في إدراك أن ذلك ليس نتيجة لما حدث أو من قام به. إنها نتيجة لما تخبره عن ما حدث. إذا كان هناك شخص ما يصطدم بك، فاستمع إلى ما يحدث في ذهنك. قد تقول لنفسك أن الشخص متذمر أو غبي أو يحاول أن يزعجك. وينشأ غضبك عندما تقول لنفسك أنه لا ينبغي على الشخص أن يفعل شيئاً وأن لديك الحق في أن تكون غاضباً منه. حتى الآن هناك حادث وما تخبرنا به عن ذلك. إذا قلت لنفسك أنك قد ظلمتَ، فمن المحتمل أن تشعر بالغضب نتيجة لذلك. في بعض الأحيان قد تكون قد تعرضت للظلم عمداً ولكم سبب وجيه للتغضب. في بعض الأحيان، قد تواجه مشكلة أو ما هو أسوأ من ذلك، وهو ما لم يكن الغرض منه إلحاق الضرر بك. وفي هذه الحالة، تقل احتمالات شعورك بالغضب. إذا شعرت بالغضب، فإن السؤال التالي هو ماذا تفعل حيال ذلك. لديك بعض الخيا...

أفضل منتجات العناية بالوجه في الشتاء

أفضل منتجات العناية بالوجه في الشتاء إن أفضل عناية بالوجه في الشتاء هي منظِّف الوجه وقناع الوجه وماسير الوجه. التي يمكن استخدامها طوال العام، لكن هذا الوجه يعمل بشكل كبير في أيام الشتاء منظِّف تقشير البشرة في Noreva - مختبرات الأمراض الجلدية NOREVA المتخصصين يشوبها الجلد، اخترعت إكسبوراك، أول خط علاج ضد حب الشباب في العمل الشامل العفوي مخصص للمراهقين، ويجمع بين الكفاءة العالية، والتسامح الأمثل، والخصائص الاستثنائية التي تنضج، بفضل التكنولوجيا الدقيقة الإسفنجية واللون النقي HD، العلاجات Expolac المضادة لعيوب تركز كل فعاليتها في الأنسجة المتعة. في المراهقة ، يصبح الجلد لامعة ، [ثيكنس] ونقائص يظهر أكثر أو أقلّ شديدة. في هذه الفترة من الاستجواب والهشاشة، حيث يكون للصور الذاتية والصور الذاتية جزءًا مهمًا في العلاقات اليومية، غالبًا ما تكون تعديلات البشرة هذه ضعيفة لدى المراهقين. قناع الطين الأناندا هذا قناع kaolin من الطين فعالة في التنظيف العميق المسام والمعارك ضد حب الشباب والرؤوس السوداء. يحتوي الريحان والكركم على خصائص مضادة للبكتيريا والمهدئة تعمل على تنشيط البشرة ال...

تلميحات ونصائح حول استعادة بيانات RAID

تلميحات ونصائح حول استعادة بيانات RAID وفي كثير من الأحيان، يتم تخزين البيانات المهمة في أنظمة RAID الموثوق بها. والسبب الرئيسي هو أن أنظمة RAID تستخدم لأنها أكثر قدرة على تحمل الأخطاء. بعبارة أخرى، من السهل تكوين أنظمة RAID أثناء تشغيل النظام. يمكن استبدال محركات الأقراص التالفة دون إيقاف تشغيل النظام بالكامل. في هذا المقال، سنتحدث عن بعض النصائح والحيل لاستعادة بيانات RAID. وكما هو الحال مع أي جهاز إلكتروني آخر، فإن محركات أقراص RAID عرضة للفشل أيضًا. إذا فشل أحد المحركات، فمن الممكن تعويض الفشل. ومع ذلك، لا يمكن القيام بذلك في حالة فشل العديد من محركات الأقراص. وعادة ما تفشل العديد من برامج التشغيل في النظام. ضع في اعتبارك أن أنظمة RAID تتكون من نفس محركات الأقراص الثابتة الموجودة في كمبيوتر شخصي. ولذلك، فإن هذه الأنظمة تواجه مشاكل مماثلة لمشاكل أجهزة الكمبيوتر الشخصية. في الواقع، يتعين على المهندسين التعامل مع المشاكل المعقدة عندما يحتاجون إلى إصلاح أنظمة RAID. وتشمل المشكلات الشائعة فشل محرك الأقراص، وفشل وحدة التحكم، وإعادة تهيئة محركات أقراص RAID دون قصد. على ا...

Ranked at the top of Google search results 2020

Ranked at the top of Google search results 2020 Unique content from Google Google always likes unique content. A site that contains unique content compared to others will be ranked closer to others. That's why Google places high value on unique content. Creating content that needs to be shared such as videos, blog posts, and e-books is also a big side benefit. This feature is that people will link to your website, so Google tags its search engine accounts, so often creating background links to the website from other sites. This is where the Page Optimization tactic begins to make its importance and presence concrete and should be included in the search engine optimization strategy. This is the final stage of Google notifies you. Optimize off page Generally, search engine optimization experts agree that off-page optimization such as link-building techniques can get an 80% contribution to any search engine optimization campaign. This is our most important activity ...

Discover Indian recipes and food from Indian cuisine 2020

Discover Indian recipes and food from Indian cuisine 2020 India has a wide range of cuisine. India is known to the world for using spices in food. The Indian Curry is famous all over the world. India is a large country. So there is a difference in the kitchen in different parts of India. South Indian food has its own distinctive cuisine, while the North food is different and more spices. Cuisine in different parts of India is influenced by the local culture that prevails there. They also depend on vegetation in a particular geographical area. The evolution of Indian cuisine over a period of time is influenced by different cultures. With India's connection to the outside world, it also influenced India's cuisine. Bringing the Middle East and Europe a taste of Indian cuisine and beautifully mixing with Indian cuisine. Indian food is also influenced by religious beliefs. India is home to many religions. The Aliani, Buddhism, Sikhs and Hinduism were bor...

Discover delicious Mexican cuisine 2020

Discover delicious Mexican  cuisine 2020 Mexican food is very popular. In fact, it is very popular with Mexican restaurants almost everywhere in the United States. No, Taco Bell is not one of these options. Certainly, the Mexican food that Americans think is a little American version of Mexican food, but still very similar to what they eat in Mexico. Taku is one of the main food in Mexican cuisine. Whether you're taking a soft taco or hard taco, both are very popular options in Mexico or the United States. If you want more authentic Mexican taste, the maize tortilla is the right choice. While this is something that stops many Americans, if you are able to track genuine Mexican joints in the United States, it is very likely that there will be a soft corn stick available. Personally I feel this is an incredible choice. Of course when it comes to side dishes, there are classic choices of rice and fried beans. If you're an American, it's very like...

Is coffee good for your skin 2020 ?

Is coffee good for your skin 2020 ? Drinking coffee is good for your skin, but better if you use it externally. Nowadays you can find many skin products that contain coffee. Check the list of components on the tubes and packaging before purchasing such items You can use it to get rid of swelling around your eyes. It also promotes the production of antioxidants and protects your skin from harmful ultraviolet radiation, which can produce skin cancer. One useful breakthrough in life is to keep a quantity of coffee ice cubes that you can use to gently scrub any areas on your face. Regardless of these benefits, it enhances skin cell renewal, increasing your collagen levels. Collagen helps your skin maintain its young appearance because it keeps it flexible. If these facts do not yet convince you of the health benefits of coffee, consider these too; coffee can help in blood flow, and if you drink them regularly, you will know that it gives you a boost of en...

World famous cuisine 2020

 2020 World famous cuisine The world is full of the best tasting cuisine. All are good food will. Only if you're hungry, this article will help you choose the right food for you. Whether you love the best food, popular food or delicious food, you find yourself the food that satisfies your taste! What is the most popular food in the world?  These are the options:  Cheese Chicken Salad Rice Tea coffee milk eggs Apple Soup Bread Fish Pot Chocolate Dairy Chocolate Pizza But there is more to choose from. International cuisine: The best food cultures, such as Italy, pasta, Hong Kong dim sum, French meat, Australia, meat pancakes, etc. Everyone has favorite food. You may have cheese, meat, or even sushi. Here are more examples: TACOS, Mexico; Putin, Canada; Chicken Rice, Singapore; Chips, Potato, United Kingdom; Masala Dosa, India; Butter bloated in the United State...

Learn about the benefits of sustainable seafood that might interest you?

Learn about the benefits of sustainable seafood that might interest you? As more and more doctors recommend seafood, sustainability and fishing-related ecosystems are difficult to consider. What is sustainable fish? Do the fishing risks exceed the health benefits of fish? What should one eat, or herb Asaka or land fish? Well, there can be a number of questions where one can lose. So, let's understand what the benefits of eating sustainable fish  are? 1. It is healthy and healthy Many sustainable fish with high protein, nutrients, minerals, and omiga 3 are healthy for the heart while containing low standards of synthetic, destructive chemicals. Groundwater fish, for example, salmon and tuna, as a general rule, contain mercury, polychlorinated biphenyls and pollutants. Large fish that rise in the food chain, generally, will have higher levels of synthetic unsafe chemicals due to bioaccumulation. Consequently, sustainable seafood is pure and healthy. ...

Why is dietary hygiene so important?

Why is dietary hygiene so important? x The food preparation process has a lot of steps. One of the most important parts is known as food testing. This is vital because we cannot deny the importance of dietary hygiene whether it be home, retail, restaurant or food factory. Over time, more and more people realize the importance of food safety. Let's find out why dietary hygiene is important. According to statistics, 48 million people are infected by food-borne diseases, 3,000 die from food poisoning, and 12,8,000 people in hospital. Here are some common reasons why food safety is so important. 1. First of all, if the drinks or foods provided are unsafe, you cannot get them. For example, if water is not free of harmful elements, it may become sick from drinking dirty water. The same rule applies to different types of food. 2. People from all over the world are satisfied with the daily contaminated food or drink. Food poisoning is caused by parasites, vir...

How do you become a SEO Professional?

How do you become a SEO Professional? Improving search engines or improving search engines is not rocket science. It takes a little effort to master the subject. After getting training in search engine optimization, the relevant professional can expect a decent monthly income. Most importantly, throughout the world, new projects are being introduced from time to time, then there is a demand for improved search engine and this demand is continuing, which means there is no scarcity of jobs in this area. This blog focuses on the different ways a person can become a professional search engine improvement. Tips to become the search engine professional Here are some tips for becoming a professional search engine optimization: - Visit an expert if you're a beginner in improving search engines, you don't have to worry. Instead, visit an expert and start learning related tricks. If the expert is your friend, you can get discounts on the training. A...

"Will it last until the age of 40?". Missy answers the difficult question

"Will it last until the age of 40?". Missy answers the difficult question About a month before he reached 33 years, Argentinean star Lionel Messi hinted that he may stay in playgrounds even for other years, indicating that he enjoys good religious fitness. In an interview with the Spanish newspaper Mondo Depotfo, Barcelona’s Spanish legend said, “We will see, we will see,” when asked whether he can continue playing until 40. Messi is to complete his 33rd year on June 24, and many hope that the Spanish league has been resumed on this date, weeks after it stopped because of the spread of the new virus of Corona "It's true that I haven't set more goals as before, but I feel I am at best, my fitness is excellent," Messi said in the interview. Regarding the Spanish league's suspension and its resumption soon, Al-Barghouti answered: "This season's league was not regular, we lost a lot of points, and we can lose points on our land as Real M...

What is the best time to post a blog post?

What is the best time to post a blog post? Knowing when to post is as important as what to post. Post an incredible part of the content in the wrong time, and miss a lot of traffic. That's why you need a specific schedule to post your blog post. According to Kissmetrics, a good day to publish posts is Monday for traffic, and Saturday for comments. A study of Track Maven showed that "free time" is the best time to participate. This means after 6pm in most cases. One of the few exceptions will be weekends, where data shows that web browsers log in to their favorite Internet-connected devices early in the day. Saturday is the best publishing day for interaction and comments. Monday, after 6 p.m., is the time you should publish the maximum number of visits. Any day of the week after 6pm, this will improve your audience's engagement. Spend time creating your post on the day before posting, and schedule automatic deployment for the right time. ...

How do you get a good Google Page ranking?

How do you get a good Google Page ranking? Every business and service provider – via online presence – wants to get a high rating for the Google Page, for obvious reasons. But is getting high results in search engine ratings (Serp) walking on the road? No! If so, every website and web page in your business would have been right on Google's first page and other search engines. The different SEO agencies would not have worked for an additional time to improve their customer page ratings, through various innovative and creative methods. Why is it so? Google has a specific set of algorithms. It continues to make updates to improve how search results are presented. Over the years, the search engine has transformed Biggie into a search engine knowledge of the search engine information. Now if you want your pages and sites to be high, think ready, and provide ten relevant, valuable, well-written information, in a way that readers can easily discover. This does not m...

6 marketing tips for marketing in 2020

6 marketing tips for marketing in 2020 If you're looking for some digital marketing tips, you're on the right page. In this article, we will discuss 6 of the most effective tips and tricks in online marketing. With these tips, you are likely to enjoy great results. 1. Optimize your location for voice search According to forecasts, half of the searches will depend on the voice search feature in 2020. Therefore, we suggest that you focus on this aspect of online marketing strategies. In other words, your work must be supportive of voice search. For example, you can get a feature near me, which will receive best local results if users use the term to perform a voice search. 2. Leverage effective marketing Currently, faster-growing digital marketing is an effective marketing. The thing is that people tend to buy products recommended by their favorite celebrities. This is known as social media influencers. Today, social media influencers also have ...

Space Weather Forecast: A Solar Storm Hits Earth today!

Space Weather Forecast: A Solar Storm Hits Earth today! Space forecasters expect to hit Earth today, a solar storm that could trigger the phenomenon of northern lights. It was found that a hole had been opened in the atmosphere of the Sun, allowing a stream of solar wind to be released. Space weather experts predict that solar winds will hit Earth today and the next day, leaving the polar twilight at the upper levels of the northern hemisphere. The particles are now making their way through a 150 million-kilometer (150-kilometer) journey from the sun to Earth, which is expected to arrive on May 19. "A small stream of solar wind is expected to isolate the Earth's magnetic field on May 19 and 20," said Space Weather. The gas flows from a small hole in the atmosphere of the Sun. Magnetic disorders can cause the polar twilight phenomenon". The polar twilight, which includes the northern and southern lights, occurs when solar particles strike th...

Corona needs the world again

Corona needs the world again The size of the tragedy that befell the Americans in the United States is revealed successively in the direction of managing the crisis of Corona epidemic spread. Criticism is starting to emerge, with former President Barack Obama criticizing the Donald Trump administration for its handling of the spread of the virus in the country. Obama has emphasized that the epidemic has highlighted the absence of equality and the additional burden that has been placed on African-Americans in the US throughout history. It is mentioned here that the mortality rate from the furnace - Americans among the virus victims and the hospital guests is more than the number of the citizens. US health authorities declared that the number of its injuries rose to more than one million and half persons, while the number of deaths exceeded 90,000. From west to east of the world, and specifically to Russia, which suffers a wide spread of the virus and has become th...

Top ways to get flat equipment

Top ways to get flat equipment It may be difficult for you to obtain flat equipment. Apart from being a risk factor for many diseases, abdominal fat may also cause bulge. Fortunately, you can use many strategies to reduce your waist size. This article will give you some effective ways to help you get flat equipment. Read on to learn more. 1. Reduce calories If you want to lose weight, the most important thing is to reduce your calorie consumption. According to an ideal approach, you may want to remove at least 500 calories from your daily meals to check about 1 lbs per week. However, keep in mind that reducing excessive calories can be counterproductive. When you take a few calories, they may have a negative effect on metabolism. As a result, you may not be able to burn the required number of calories. 2. Take soluble fibers Essentially, soluble fibers can absorb much water as well as slow food flow in the digestive system. As a result, you will find ...

The ground is in danger...Sun to 'Spat Carthy'

The ground is in danger...Sun to 'Spat Carthy' Astronomers warned about the sun entering the "catastrophic spat" period, which causes it to be blocked and entered the lower stage of solar energy, which may cause freezing of weather and earthquakes. Experts believe we are about to enter the deepest period of the ever-recorded "decline" of sunlight, with the sunspots actually disappearing, according to the British newspaper the Sun. As astronomer Tony Phillips has said, “the minimum solar energy has already happened, and it is deep. The Sun's magnetic field is weak, allowing additional cosmic rays in the solar system," he said. "Excessive cosmic rays pose a health hazard for astronauts and passengers in polar air, affect electrochemistry in Earth's upper atmosphere, and may help cause lightning." NASA scientists fear that it may be a repetition of the phenomenon of "Delton Minimam", that took place between 17...

5 tips for detoxifying toxins

5 tips for detoxifying toxins The unsweet fact is that high-volume sugar intake in this country is one of the main factors of chronic diseases. Just like drug addiction, sugar causes addiction to food in some people, making it difficult to stop. Addictive drugs cause neurochemical changes in the brain, such as changes in dopamine's association with opium receptors, which reinforce addictive behaviors. Similarly, sugar has been shown to stimulate reward centers in the brain through neurotransmitter dopamine. The consumption of many treated sugar is associated with heart disease, cancer, dementia, obesity, type 2 diabetes, high cholesterol, depression, even acne, infertility and sexual disability. If you want to reset your body and remove toxins from the harmful effects of sugar, follow the instructions below. 1. Remove all manufactured foods from your home The easiest way to get rid of toxins from sugar is to give up cold Turkey. To prevent reading food labels for h...